Home Advanced InterCS
"All in the Cloud" Solution
All Solutions and Services integrated in the cloud: ERP, Collaboration and Communication (MS Office 365) and VoIP.
Combining ERP transactions data with documents, calendars, meetings, chats and videos. All in one system!
Industry Cloud Solutions (Web Based)
High End Small Businesses and Medium Size Businesses (>$10 Mln Revenue/yr)
ISV Applications:
WMS, E-COM, Payroll, Tax, Shipping, CC, ..
Incredibly flexible
Pricing per suite. Not per user. Cheaper
SaaS or in private cloud
Real-time full inte-gration with apps
Mobile apps
Small Businesses (<$10 Mln Revenue/yr)
Horizontal Cloud Solutions (Web Based Across Industries)
Horizontal Cloud Services (Across Industries)
Contact US
Ph: 973 244 1470
MS Teams:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/internet-customer-solutions-inc./
Professional Services