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MS Teams: More Usage Information

Connecting a MS Teams site to a Sharepoint Online site


The video (21 mins, Sept 2016) below will illustrate to a certain extent how the above requirements are fulfilled. For SharePoint site owners provisioning a site is only the start. Come learn all the best practices for managing your SharePoint team sites including how to get started, drive and measure engagement, and manage access.

Further connecting to an Office Group site


The video (21 mins, Sept 2016) below will illustrate how a MS Team site connects to a Sharepoint Online site and to a Sharepoint Online Office Group with a lot of sharing and communication features.



Connecting a MS Teams site to a Yammer discussion forum


MS Teams enables conversations but they are more for short conversations, and they are not so well structured and threaded as in a discussion forum. By thread I mean:

  • jlj;

    • jlk;j]​

      • jlj;​


The difference between MS Teams is discussed in more detail here


How to connect Yammer to MS Teams?


You need to set up a Yammer account, and the purpose of a  Yammer discussion forum.

Then in MS Teams, in a Team, and in a channel, you add the Yammer connector to connect to a specific Yammer account. 

Click here to learn more. 


New Feature: Adhoc meeting with somebody from the MS Teams Calendar


MS Teams enables you today to schedule a meeting from its calendar. However such a meeting is not adhoc/instant. See the current calendar below. For details click here.

Ms Teams current calendar 9 2019.jpg

The new feature of the MS Teams calendar will enable you to have  an adhoc meeting.

The features in the new calendar include:

  • Day, work week, and week views (but no month view).

  • Calendar widget to navigate to chosen date.

  • Ability to interact with selected calendar item (for instance, right click to accept, reject, or join a meeting). Meetings light up when they are active.

  • Bi-directional synchronization with user’s Outlook calendar. For instance, you can edit items scheduled in the Outlook calendar and have those changes appear in Outlook.

  • Synchronization with Exchange calendar settings, like working hours and days of the work week.

  • Users can put a meeting into their calendar without adding anyone (but themselves) to the meeting (appointments in Outlook calendar terms).


For details click here.




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